Why are my credit scores different and which is most accurate?

In the United States, three leading credit bureaus accurately portray, capture, and report detailed credit histories. Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion collect the most information on U.S citizens. However, they don’t necessarily assess credit history in the same way. One credit bureau may report debts that the other two missed, or the same data may have different importance.

Why are my credit scores different

Which credit report is most accurate?

A standard Fico scoring system resides at every credit bureau where lenders like Ability Mortgage Group require consumer’s credit risk evaluations. The FICO scoring system is similar across various credit bureaus to ensure that credit scores remain within the same range. Most credit scores weigh the same factors such as payment history, the rate of utilization, the length of your account, and your number of new inquiries.

Why is my credit score different on Equifax and TransUnion?

The credit bureaus’ underlying data drives the significant difference in credit scores from one establishment to another. Fico scores are designed to optimize the primary database of every facility. Then, how can scores differ from one bureau to another when the fundamental criteria are the same?

Which credit report is most accurate?

Remember these items below when considering which credit score is accurate:

  • Not all credit scores are FICO Scores. By choosing a FICO Score, you’re getting industry-leading knowledge and expertise that most lenders respect and trust.
  • The comparison between FICO Scores needs to be done at the same time. Score divergence may appear when various scores are pulled weeks from one another. The ‘week old’ score may already be dated, and new data may influence the outcome.
  • All your credit information isn’t necessarily reported to all three credit bureaus. Lenders, collection agencies, and court records influence your consumer risk. Don’t assume the best credit score will be the one your lender takes into consideration to assess your loan application.
  • Lenders don’t report credit information to all credit bureaus simultaneously, nor do they necessarily have all the information about your credit history. One bureau may have a more accurate oversight of your finances than another.
  • Fragmented or incomplete files may cause discrepancies. Perhaps, you’ve applied for a loan with your maiden name, a new address, or with an error social security number. This credit history may appear on someone else’s report or may entirely be missing from yours.

Which credit bureau is most important?

No matter the credit scores you look at, most of them give you an overall idea of your creditworthiness. Staying on top of your finances determines where you stand, and which areas may require improvement. Stay informed of your economic situation with Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.


Find out More Information about Your Score contact your Local experts in Maryland at 410-827-5111

Ability Mortgage Group


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